圣地亚哥大学|University of San Diego
时间:2024-08-24 17:33:56
圣地亚哥大学University of San Diego是一所四年制私立大学,成立于1949年,隶属天主教会。在这所有61%学生信奉天主教的学府。 圣地亚哥大学校园环境优美,建筑风格为16世纪文艺复兴时期西班牙的建筑,所设专业文理兼备,共有70多个专业可供选择。学校本科生人数约为4800人,在专业和课程选择等方面的专业人士的指导下,您将在轻松愉快的氛围内,以优异成绩结束大学4年的课程。该校的师资力量强大,96%的教师具有本专业的最高学位。该校无助教授课的现象,师生关系融洽,可随时进行沟通。该校采取不问家境的入学政策,即只衡量申请者的个人素质。在全国范围内,可选择的私立大学中,该校的学费和生活费属于中等水平,该校约有70%的学生以各种方式得到经济资助(scholarships, grants, loans, payment plans, work study)。该校的办学宗旨为所授课程的性比价高,在这里所学的课程,不论从事研究和技术工作,都将成为您成功事业的奠基石。小班授课,教授与学生的接触机会多,学术项目范围广,适合学生发展个人的兴趣爱好。60多个学士、硕士和博士学位,所授予的学位是the Western Association of Schools and Colleges由认可的。教师总数为722人,其中全职教师为359人。 USD位于加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥,是美国最古老的一座城市,是美国的第七大城市,人口约为130万。该地区的气候条件非常好,邻近海滩和山峰,是理想的旅游胜地,每年吸引来自世界各地的游客26000000,户外活动多种多样。 由于邻近海滩和山峰,游泳、潜水、爬山和攀岩等活动很受欢迎。学校坐落在一座平顶山上,可俯瞰San Diego Bay和community of Linda Vista。 英文简介 The University of San Diego is a Roman Catholic university in San Diego, California. USD (an acronym also used by the University of South Dakota) offers more than sixty bachelor s, master s, and doctoral programs. The university consists of six schools: the School of Business Administration, the School of Leadership and Education Sciences, the School of Law, the School of Nursing Health Science, the College of Arts Sciences, and the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies. 1.History Chartered in 1949, the University opened its doors to its first class of students in 1952 as the San Diego College for Women. Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, D.D., then bishop of the Diocese of San Diego and Reverend Mother Rosalie Hill, RSCJ, a Superior Vicaress of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, chartered the institution from resources drawn from their respective organizations on a stretch of land known as Alcal Park, named for San Diego de Alcal . In September 1954, the San Diego College for Men and the School of Law opened. These two schools originally occupied Bogue Hall on the same site of University High School, which would later become the home of the University of San Diego High School. Starting in 1954, Alcal Park also served as the diocesan chancery office and housed the episcopal offices, until the University was removed from direct diocesan control. In 1957, Immaculate Heart Major Seminary and St. Francis Minor Seminary were moved into their newly completed facility, now known as Maher Hall. The Immaculata Chapel, now no longer affiliated with USD, also opened that year as part of the seminary facilities. For nearly two decades, these schools co-existed on Alcal Park. Immaculate Heart closed at the end of 1968, when its building was renamed De Sales Hall; St. Francis remained open until 1970, when it was transferred to another location on campus, leaving all of the newly named Bishop Leo T. Maher Hall to the newly merged co-educational University of San Diego in 1972. Since then, the University has grown quickly and dramatically increased its assets and academic programs with the financial capital coming primarily from the student body. The community, including local patrons and businesses, has also been integral to the University s success. Arguably, the most dramatic growth since the 1972 merger has occurred since the mid-1980s. In 1998, Joan B. Kroc, philanthropist and wife of McDonald s financier Ray Kroc, and a strong advocate for world peace, endowed USD with a gift of $25 million for the construction of the Institute for Peace Justice. USD further benited from the general trend of yearly, unprecedented tuition increases among private universities, as well as multi-million dollar gifts from weight-loss tycoon Jenny Craig, inventor Donald Shiley, investment banker and alumnus Bert Degheri, and an addition $50 million Mrs. Kroc lt the IPJ upon her passing. These gifts made possible, respectively, the Jenny Craig Pavilion (an athletic arena), the Donald P. Shiley Institute for Science and Technology, the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace Justice, and the Degheri Alumni Center. Consequently, USD has been in the media spotlight hosting the West Coast Conference (WCC) basketball tournament in 2002 and 2003, and has been able to host prestigious functions such as the Kyoto Laureate Symposium at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace Justice. Shiley s gift has provided the University with some of the most state-of-the-art teaching laboratories in Southern California. In 2005 the university expanded the Colachis Plaza from the Immaculata along Marian Way to the east end of Hall, which fectively closed the east end of the campus to vehicular traffic. That same year, the student body approved plans for a renovation and expansion of the Hahn University Center made possible by a $30 million gift from an anonymous alumus, which began at the end of 2007. 2.Academics The University of San Diego offers more than 60 degrees at the bachelor s, master s, and doctoral levels. USD is pided into six schools and colleges. The College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Law are the oldest academic pisions at USD; when it is opened the Kroc School of Peace Studies will be the university s newest school. USD offers an honors program at the undergraduate level, with approximately 300 students enrolled annually. U.S. News World Report ranks USD 104th among National Universities and the Princeton Review includes USD in its guidebook of the 351 best universities. For potential applicants, the average GPA of admitted freshmen for fall 2007 was 3.76. The average SAT I score was 1175 and the average ACT score was 26.1. Arts and sciences The College of Arts and Sciences is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. The university is also a member of Mortar Board national honors society for college seniors, and participates with the National Society of Collegiate Scholars in recognizing the superior academic achievements of first and second year students. Fulbright, Truman, Goldwater and Strauss finalists and scholars have earned their undergraduate degrees at USD. Law Founded in 1954, the School of Law is accredited by the American Bar Association and is a member of the American Association of Law Schools. University of San Diego School of Law is one of only 80 ABA-accredited law schools to hold a membership in the Order of the Coif, the most distinguished rank of American law schools. Well-respected, legal educator, Brian Leiter has often regarded the University of San Diego School of Law as having one of the strongest law faculties in the nation. In 2003-2004, Leiter ranked the school 22nd in the nation in terms of scholarly impact. In 2007, Leiter ranked the school s faculty 27th in the nation based on mean scholarly impact.The University of San Diego School of Law is also notable for attracting a strong student body, consistently placing amongst the top 40 US law schools. In San Diego, one out of every four practicing lawyers is a graduate of the University of San Diego School of Law. Nursing and health science The Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing Health Science is among the top ten percent of graduate-level nursing programs according to the U.S. News World Report. USD Nursing was the first Ph.D. nursing program in California. Leadership studies and education sciences The School of Leadership and Education Sciences (SOLES) has nearly 700 students at the undergraduate, master s and doctoral levels. Coming from the United States as well as other nations, SOLES students and faculty are culturally and ethnically perse. SOLES academic programs include Counseling, Leadership Studies, and Marital and Family Therapy, as well as the Department of Learning and Teaching. The school offers the following degrees: Ph.D., M.Ed., M.A.T., and M.A. Additionally, SOLES has certificate programs in American Humanics, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, and Character Development. Business administration The School of Business Administration is one of only a handful of schools with AACSB business program accreditation and ABET engineering degree accreditation. The School is also home to the Ahlers Center for International Business, one of the few private endowments for international business in the world. USD s undergrad business school was ranked #47 in the country by BusinessWeek in March, 2008, and is one of the top five ranked programs on the west coast. The MBA program is ranked #36 in the world for social responsibility in the Beyond Grey Pinstripes Global 100 list, and is the highest ranking program on that measure in Southern California. David F. Pyke, associate dean at Dartmouth s Tuck School of Business, has been named to serve as dean of USD s School of Business Administration starting in July, 2008. Peace studies The Kroc School of Peace Studies is currently under development. The Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace Justice was established thanks to Mrs. Kroc s gift of $75 million in-all to not only teach peace, but make peace . The first master s level graduate students entered the Kroc Institute in 2002. Social justice, ethics, and spirituality related programs=== The University of San Diego has a special commitment to issues of social justice, ethics, and spirituality. It has several programs, centers, and institutes that deal with a wide variety of these issues: Center for Community Service Learning, Center for Latino/a Catholicism, Center for Christian Spirituality, the Character Development Center, Ethnic Studies Program, the Romero Center, the Social Issues Committee, the Trans-Border Institute, and the Values Institute. Nonprofit research The Caster Family Center for Nonprofit Research was launched in 2004 with generous start-up grants provided by The Westrh Foundation and the Bruce T. Halle Family Foundation. In 2007 the Center received a generous naming contribution from the Caster family. Housed within the School of Leadership and Education Sciences (SOLES) the work of the Center is co-directed and is supported by an active Advisory Committee. The Center is staffed by doctoral students. The Mission of the Caster Family Center for Nonprofit Research is to study issues of strategic importance to the sector and to identify and advance best practices in nonprofit leadership and management. The Center s vision includes: (a) In the next five years USD s Center for Nonprofit Research will become recognized as a source of the highest quality research in the nonprofit sector; (b) The Center will serve as a convener of broad based community dialogues around topics of relevance to strategic operations and public policy; (c) The Center will help to dine the full landscape of San Diego s nonprofit sector so as to increase the community s understanding of the value and contribution of the sector. 3.Student Life The undergraduate student body is represented by official student government known as the Associated Students (A.S.). The Associated Students Leadership Team serves University of San Diego Undergraduates as official student representatives who promote opportunities for growth and expression, address student issues, and enrich a perse, inclusive, and engaged community. A.S. works in areas of programming, student issues, marketing, finance, multicultural relations, academics, and student organizations. Student fees make up A.S. s $900,000 yearly budget. A.S. also assists in the funding of different centers on campus including Center for Awareness, Service Action (CASA), Torero Days/Orientation, Social Issues Committee, USDtv, United Front Multicultural Center (UFMC or simply, UF), and Women s Center. Student Affairs is the Universities pision focused on creating an educational environment which motivates and inspires student learning and personal development, serves the University community, and challenges students to make a positive contribution to society. Within Student Affairs is the Wellness Division which includes the Counseling Center, Disability Services, and the Health Center. Another Division of Student Affairs is Student Life which includes Associated Students, Student Activities, Student Organizations, Greek Life, Outdoor Programs, and Campus Recreation. The last pision of Student Affairs are all programs falling under the Dean of Students and these include Community Service Learning, Career Services, Parent Relations, International Center, University Ministry, United Front Multicultural Center, Summer Conferences, and the Women s Center. Campus Housing Resident s Life Freshman Housing: Maher - co-ed dorms Camino - male dorms Founders - female dorms Missions A - suites Missions B - co-ed dorms