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MSc in Business Analytics


Program Overview

Hong Kong has been long repute as a global financial an logistics centre, while new technologies playe an important role in facilitating business activities an transactions effectively.Executivesrely on sufficient information to make ecisions on business activities, how to convert large amount of ata into meaningful information an statistics is a great challenge they are facing. Professionals who have the ability ofunerstaning the ata, eriving useful information from the ata, recommening faster as well as more effective business ecisions via analysing business ata an applying quantitative tools is highly emane.长期以来,香港一直被誉为全球金融和物流中心,而新技术在促进商业活动和交易方面发挥了重要作用。高管们依靠充分的信息来决定商业活动,如何将大量数据转换成有意义的信息和统计数据是他们面临的巨大挑战。需要大量具有理解数据、从数据中获取有用信息、通过分析业务数据和应用定量工具来更快地更有效的做出业务决策的专业人员

Business analytics makes extensive use of business ata, statistical tools, an quantitative methos to rive better business management. Specifically, with continuous an interactive exploration an investigation of ata, business analytics helps managers an executives gain new insights an unerstaning of business performance, preict changes an evelopment of business patterns, an improve ecision making on business strategies an planning.

This programs aims to equip stuents with knowlege an tools that can help them erive useful information from mass business ata an utilize the information intelligently in making faster an more effective business ecisions. Grauates from this program are suitable for working in business consulting, finance, marketing, retailing, logistics, an other service inustries.商业分析广泛使用业务数据、统计工具和定量方法来驱动更好的商业管理。具体来说,通过持续的和交互式的对数据的探索和调查,商业分析可以帮助经理和管理人员获得对商业表现的新见解和理解,预测商业模式的变化和发展,并改进商业策略和计划的决策。本项目旨在提供学生知识和工具,可以帮助他们从大量的业务数据中获得有用的信息,做出更快更有效的商业决策。本课程的毕业生适合从事商务咨询、财务、营销、零售、物流及其他服务行业的工作

Program Features 项目特色

The Program is offere in a one-year Full-time moe. Our highly transformational curriculum offersa selecte range of rigorous courses in business analytics, incluing statistical analysis, ecision moels an applications, ata mining for managers, economic analytics, operation analytics, etc.该项目提供为期一年的课程。我们的课程提供了一系列商业分析的课程,包括统计分析、决策模型和应用、管理者的数据挖掘、经济分析、运营分析等。

Target stuents

This taught Master Program is esigne for those who have an interest in exploring business relationships via analyzing business ata an applying quantitative tools. The Full-time moe is particularly suitable for iniviuals from mainlan China an other countries.本课程是为那些有兴趣通过分析商业数据和应用定量工具来探索商业关系的人设计的。


Curriculum (2017 - 2018) 课程及介绍

To complete the Program, stuents are require to pass a total of 30 creits of coursework, comprising 15 creits of require courses an 15 creits of elective courses. Both require an elective courses are 3-creit courses.

At least 9 creits of elective courses must be taken from the BA elective courses, an up to 6 creits may be taken from other MSc Programs an Master of Accountancywithin CUHK Business School an/ or Faculty of Engineering as Non-BA courses upon approval. Electives may be offere every alternative year an/or in the summer term in the form of intensive course.

Require Courses (Total 5 courses/ 15 creits):

DSME5110Statistical Analysis


DSME6620Decision Moels an Applications


DSME6650Data Mining for Managers


DSME6651Economic Analytics


DSME6652Operations Analytics


Elective Courses (Total 5 courses/ 15 creits):

1) BA Elective Courses:

DSME6100Managing Service Operations

學生通過本科將學到管理服務營運的最新理論、框架、概念和技術,並運用所學知識以應對管理服務營運所帶來的挑戰。本科的重點在於學習分析思路和技能。這些思路和技能將幫助學生開展、評估和實施一系列針對服務型企業的策略。所探討的主題如下:1)客戶忠誠度的重要性和經濟意義,及建立客戶忠誠度的途徑; 2)服務策略的形成和實施,及確保更大商業成功的服務戰略;3)在提供服務時客戶操作行為的管理;4)設計可持續性並考慮客戶營運地位的服務模型;5)分析客戶數據並開展對應的管理決策;6)服務環境下的變動管理。

DSME6653Web Analytics an Intelligence


DSME6654Business Process Analysis an Simulation


DSME6720Business Forecasting


DSME6751Database an Big Data Management


DSME6930Supply Chain an Logistics Management


MKTG6027Marketing Engineering


(1) 如何將大量原始數據變為有用的營銷訊息?

(2) 如何從大量營銷信息推算最佳的營銷策略?

(3) 如何實踐及自動化營銷活動尋求最佳的營銷效率?

(4) 如何在資訊年代建立品牌及客戶忠誠?




The amission requirements are as below:

1.General Requirements:

grauate from a recognize university an obtaine a Bachelor’s egree, normally with honours not lower than Secon Class;OR

grauate from an honours program of a recognize university with a Bachelor’s egree, normally achieving an average grae of not lower than “B” in unergrauate courses;OR

complete a course of stuy in a tertiary eucational institution an obtaine professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honours egree.

2.English Language Proficiency Requirement by University:语言要求

TOEFL (Internet-base)79

GMAT (Verbal)21

IETLS (Acaemic)6.5

*TOEFL an IELTS are consiere vali for two years from the test ate

3.GMAT / GRE Requirement by Program:(only score taken in or after January 2013 will be consiere)

Applicants may register for the test online anmake request to the test organization for sening official GMAT score report (School Copy) / official GRE score report (Grauate Institute Score Report) irectly to Program Office.




GREwww.ets.org/gre3153/ 4301

Application Dealines截止日期

The application ealines for amission in the 2017⁄18 acaemic year are as below; applicants are invite to submit their applications via theOnline Application System.

  • Official assessment starte upon receiving supporting ocuments in harcopies from applicants

招生规模 & 常见问题

Stuent Profiles.

FAQs 常见问题

Who can apply?

For Master of Science Program in Business Analytics (MSc BA), there is no specifie requirement on the fiel of applicants’ unergrauate stuies. A wie variety of stuents are eligible to apply.

What are the selection criteria?

We consier acaemic qualifications, work experience, interview performance an recommenation letters.

Can I take the GMAT more than once?

Yes. Applicants can take the GMAT once every 31 calenar ays an no more than five times in a rolling 12-month perio. If multiple test score reports for the same applicant are receive, we will consier the highest score presente.

Can a GRE score be submitte instea of a GMAT score?

Yes. Both scores are acceptable for amission purposes. For GRE, our institution coe an epartment coe are 3153 (Chinese University of Hong Kong)/ 4301 (Business Economics).

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