首页 > 知识问答 > 美国金融专业排名第二的学校你能去吗?


来源:互联网 时间:2025-01-06 20:09:45 浏览量:

马里兰大学学院公园分校(University of Marylan,College Park,缩写UMD或UMCP),或译马里兰大学学院市分校,是一所位于美国东部小城学院公园市的大型公立综合性全国大学,成立于1856年,提供本科、硕士、博士、文凭课程(Certificate)四种学位类型;该校与华盛顿距离约8里。马里兰大学系统是美国第12大大学系统,由13所马里兰高等教育机构组成的大学系统。马里兰大学公园分校是马里兰大学系统十四所高等教育机构中历史最久、最大、最好的一所,同时也是整个大华盛顿地区最大的一所高校,该校被评为公立常春藤院校之一。

马里兰大学***商学院的金融硕士课程分为2个方向:财务分析与风险管理与资产管理。为你提供了从事金融职业所需的高级技能。你将根据数据来制定策略,使用最新的财务技术并运用你的批判性思维技能来帮助实际企业管理其资金与资产。该课程使你有机会与优秀级雇主进行互动并管理他们的数据。你将运用课堂所学知识,帮助***公司,银行机构和其他企业管理其资金和资产。马里兰大学金融专业 - 全美排名第二。

Financial Management

Focuses on the valuation of the real assets of firms as well as the valuation of stocks an bons, the primary financial assets in an economy. While etails vary, the conceptual founations of valuation boil own to three themes: time value of money, no-arbitrage, an systematic risk.

Financial Data Analytics

The course aopts a machine learning minset to stuy stanar techniques of econometric ***ysis of financial ata. The focus is on unerstaning, interpretation, an practical applications in Python an Google Colab.

Capital Markets

Designe to eepen the founations necessary to finance focuse stuents, especially those intening to specialize in the quantitative areas of finance incluing investments, fixe income, an financial engineering.

Machine Learning in Finance

A hans-on course on applications of cutting-ege machine learning methos to financial moeling. It introuces stuents to a wie variety of machine learning techniques ranging from lasso regression to eep learning an TensorFlow.

Valuation in Corporate Finance

An avance topics course in Corporate Finance ealing with valuation. Main topics will be, builing pro forma statements, cost of capital, using ratios an comparables to value projects an firms, iscounte cash flow valuations, WACC an APV methos of valuation an Real Option Valuations.

Fixe Income Analysis

Describes important financial instruments which have market values that are sensitive to interest rate movements. Develops tools to ***yze interest rate sensitivity an value fixe income securities. Defines an explains the vocabulary of the bon management business.

Derivative Securities

Stanar types of erivatives contracts are presente, an illustrate as to how they are use in practice. The theory of pricing these contracts is then presente in etail. The use of static an ynamic replication strategies, an the concept of no-arbitrage strategies is illustrate in numerous ways. Stanar valuation techniques are covere, an stanar formulas are presente. The theory is then applie to evelop specific pricing an heging strategies for various types of erivatives on ifferent unerlying assets. The management of the exposure of various risks is covere in etail as well.

Asset Management Track
Institutional Asset Management

Examines how money is manage by organizations such as university enowments, pension funs, mutual funs, hege funs, an private equity funs. Involves a mixture of finance an economics an emphasizes the incentives professional money managers face within the context of the organizational structure in which they operate. Particular attention is pai to compensation structures an monitoring mechanisms.

Portfolio Management

Provies training that is important in unerstaning the investment process - the buy sie of the financial worl. Specifically, the objective is to provie grauate-level instruction in the following topics, both in theory an in using financial markets ata to test the basic theory an practice of portfolio choice an equilibrium pricing moels an their implications for efficient portfolios.

Quantitative Investment Strategies

Provies an introuction to quantitative techniques of selecting equities, as use commonly among long-short equity hege funs an other quantitative equity asset management companies. Statistical factor moels are evelope to locate stocks with higher expecte returns, base on the observable characteristics of the stocks. Implementation issues, incluing statistical estimation, backtesting an portfolio construction, are covere, as is performance evaluation.

Fixe Income Derivatives

Surveys fixe income assets an relate securities such as Exchange-trae bon options; bons with embee options; floating rate notes; caps, collars, an floors; floating rate notes with embee options. Also surveys avance tools for interest-rate an fixe-income portfolio management, incluing the use of erivative securities, an the application of binomial trees for ***ysis of options, an a soun unerstaning of stochastic yiel curves.

Financial Engineering

Introuces an applies various computational techniques useful in the management of equity an fixe income portfolios an the valuation of financial erivatives an fixe income securities. Techniques inclue Monte Carlo Simulation an binomial/lattice pricing moels. Emphasis is on briging theory with the esign of algorithms an moels that can be irectly applie in practice.

Entrepreneurial Finance an Private Equity

An avance topics course in Corporate Finance. The major emphasis is how financiers help growing firms - an in particular young start-ups - using ifferent types of securities at ifferent points in the inustry's an firm's life. Financing arrangements an securities stuie will inclue private equity funs an private financings placements, Venture Capital (VC) an preferre equity, Investment Banks through Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), Private equity fins, ebt an leverage buyouts. Stuents will learn aitional techniques that will help them unerstan how financiers value firms an how to unerstan, plan an value ifferent financing strategies.

Big Data in Finance

Hege Fun Management

Market Microstructure

Financial Analysis an Risk Management Track
Financial Strategy For Corporations

Financial Restructuring

Institutional Asset Management

International Investment

Applie Equity Analysis (Avance Financial Moeling an Equity Analysis)

Entrepreneurial Finance an Private Equity

Enterprise an Creit Risk Management

International Corporate an Project Finance

Bank Management

Special Topics in Finance

申请要求:GPA3.0 雅思7 托福96 要求GMAT


Big Data an Machine Learning in Finance
Creit Risk Moelling
Financial Data Analytics
Python an SAS
Financial Strategy

马里兰大学***商学院 金融硕士课程 使你可以打破常规去思考问题,并能够面对自己在现实工作环境中所面临的挑战。学校将通过课程所包含的以下几个项目, 使得你在人才市场上出类拔萃:

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